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Mackay Queensland | Speakers For Schools


I had never been to Mackay, and I was super excited to get there to be guest speaker for schools, holding teacher stress workshops, and parent mental health evenings. I had been chatting with numerous organizers leading up to the trip, and going by our conversations, I could tell I was going to get along with them. 


The itinerary for the trip wasn't as jam packed as my usual motivational speakers tours are.

Monday -

9-10:30am Guest speaker for Yrs 4-6 at Mackillop Cathloic primary school.


3:15-4:45pm Teacher Stress workshop 


6:30pm Parent mental health evening 


Tuesday -

9-10:30am Guest motivational speakers for Yrs 4-6 at Emmanuel Catholic primary school 


11:40-12:50am Speakers for schools at st Brendan's catholic primary school Yrs 5-6 


Wednesday -

high schools speaker for Yrs 7-8 at Saint Catherine's Catholic College, Prosepine.


I left Sydney early on the Sunday, and was picked up at home by my dad (he always takes me to the airport) at 4:40am.


I had a quick stopover in Brisbane and then just over an hour flight to Mackay. When I left Sydney, it was cold and raining, arriving in Mackay, the weather was perfect - not a cloud in the sky, and a perfect temperature. 


Traveling around as one of Australia's best motivational speakers, I've have the privilege of being guest speaker at some amazing locations. Mackay was no different. A beautiful town with a refreshing energy.


I had some time before I had to check in, so I got some groceries for my 3 night stay, hit the gym, then kicked back on the beach (not a bad life!).


Waking early on the Monday I headed to the first school where I was guest speaker for the morning. The Yrs 4-6 students were already seated in the hall for assembly, and after a short technical glitch (happens often) the slides for my presentation were ready to go. After the talk I sat for the longest Q&A (which I loved) I've ever had. We had to cut the questions off after about 40 min! There was some really insightful and deep questions. Loved it! 


After the talk I had some spare time and went and ate a vegan big brekky at The Grazing Goat Cafe.. WOW!!!! I couldn't have asked for a better meal. 

After eating, I went and hit the gym again, and then beach... again.


The teacher stress session in the afternoon was fantastic, and the feedback was great!


The parent mental health talk was just as good, and I received some beautiful messages afterwards.


"Hi Luke. 

I was in the crowd at your parent session at Mackay last night. 

I just wanted to say a huge thank you.  I work in a highly stressful corporate job and I give so much of myself to my boss that I have very little for anything else.  In fact everything else I’ve got goes to my son and husband and there is nothing left for me. 

I felt so strongly what you were saying - and even shed a few tears sitting there listening and realising what my life has become!  
I’m not the lady who said I get up and check my emails when I go to the toilet at night....but I sat there thinking - everyone is laughing at her, but Jesus Christ - I do that too!  
I’m going to start by turning off my phone during non business hours and getting up 40 mins earlier and going for a walk.  I don’t exercise at all and always said ‘who the hell has time for exercise anyway?!’  But as you simply put it - just get up earlier!  

Thanks so much again. 

Peace "


Guest Speakers forschools, Luke S. Kennedy

I love receiving feedback, and messages like the above show that there's a cools shift happening at the moment. Where people are realising what we're currently doing, isn't working. We need to start focusing on our self-care and make our mental health a priority!

Day 2 in the morning I was guest speaker at Emmanuel Catholic college. I spoke to their Yr 4 -6 and again, the questions were amazing at the end! A couple of students approached me as well and thanked me for helping them, They don't me how inspired they are to now better their lives.... and they're in Yr 5! Yes!

The oraganiser at the end told me that I was the best speaker they've ever had! I also received this email from her after;

"Thanks Luke – we really enjoyed your visit and the students and staff are still buzzing!

 We will definitely have you back again!"

After speaking at Emmanuel, I then headed to St Brendan's catholic primary school where I spoke to Yrs 5 & 6. The canteen lady even prepared me a vegan lunch and treat! Can't ask for more than that.

The students were extremely attentive, going by their nodding heads, my messages were getting through.

"Thanks so much for yesterday.  The students were pumped and buzzing after your workshop. The year 6s are currently writing a biography in English and a couple of them now want to change their person and are doing your biography instead.

Look forward to the possibility of getting you back in the future to speak with staff and students." - Teacher

Chill out time again! Lunch, gym, and beach! I give every ounce of my energy, focus, and even my voice, when speaking, so even after just two sessions, I'm pretty wrecked! My self-care is priority for me, so I turn my phone off and do whatever I like!


The next day I had a drive up the coast to Poserpine. It was up near the Whitsunday's... another beautiful spot!

I spoke at St Catherine's catholic college. 

The entire trip was fantastic! I'm still receiving messages from parents, students, and teachers. I've already got a returned trip planned for early next year, and I can't wait to get back there!

I wish you all peace of mind x


Do you have a group of kids that need a push in the right direction? Let Luke inspire your kids.

Inspirational Speaker logo Luke Kennedy LK

Motivational Speaker, Bestselling Author, and Mental Health Advocate. Drive real change, foster resilience, and achieve lasting growth with impactful talks that make a difference for your school or organisation.


Luke Kennedy


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